My apologies for the dearth of posts of late but I have been rather busy with other matters. The end of the tax year (5 April) here in the UK can produce a 'spike' of business - in my case never more so than this year.
As a result time for wargaming has been very limited, though I have managed a few games and even a little bit of painting.
More about these chaps in a forthcoming post.... |
Good to hear that business is booming, even if it is taking up lots of valuable wargaming time,
I assume that these interesting figures will soon be part of your FLW Napoleonic army. They look like they are nicely moulded figures with substantial bases.
All the best,
Nice painting! You've managed to make them look just like plastic! (I hate being too busy to play!!)
LOL...An amusing coincidence Tim! I've just written a similar entry on my blog too!
I look forward to seeing what these chaps will end up as.
Bob Cordery
A good if not entirely accurate guess about the figures!
Ross Mac
It was hell getting the red a consistent shade....
Stephen Beat
Great minds? I think it must be so...
I'll try to get photos of the finished version posted this week.
Ooh- Jelly Babies !
Pass your casualties to me please.
Wg Cdr Luddite
So that's where all my toys go...
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