Tuesday 2 July 2024

Chatillon, 1870


I ran this game a few weeks ago using a cut down version of Funny Little Wars.  Lloyd kindly provided most of the 54mm toys and I the terrain.  The original battle saw the French XIV Corps getting stuck into the tempting flank of a Prussian/Bavarian formation marching west towards Versailles.  Though rural and dotted with villages in 1870, these days the Chatillon plateau can be reached on the Paris Metro!  In the Northeast corner of the battlefield were the forts of Vanves and d'Issy.  The historical French sortie gave the Germans a few anxious moments but overall wasn't a great success.  This was very much how our game played out but it kept eight of us off the streets for a few hours!  The photos are from a number of the participants and myself.  Well done to all: Pete, Andrew, Simon, John, Fred, Bish and Lloyd.  

A French infantry regiment advancing.
A significant piece of terrain was the redoubt  - which I of course forgot to bring.  Pete set to work folding some bits of card and made this excellent substitute.
Prussian units assembling.
Bavarian cavalry and artillery.
French line and chasseurs - and some very worried Bavarian gunners!
View from the south - lots of French advancing!

Fort d'Issy.  Built in the 1840s as part of the ring of forts surrounding Paris.  Sadly by 1870 field artillery ranges had doubled, rendering these imposing forts rather redundant!
Prussian cavalry and artillery
The south-centre of the battlefield. German troops returning from the west.
Bavarians in the southwest skulking in woods.
The French 4th Div arriving from Paris
French line and chasseurs trying to look intimidating
Most of the French infantry were in fact ACW figures with 'paint conversions.'
The French had a window of opportunity when they outnumbered the enemy
French generals hanging around near the perceived safety of a fort.

A rather ambitious French cavalry charge goes in.  It didn't end well.
The terrain was a bit minimalist but worked well.  
Lots of French artillery!  The 25pdr was used for the actual firing.
French infantry doing their best to ignore the distant horde of Bavarians!
More French cavalry in action - and this time they have the numbers!
Bavarians trying not to be the meat in a French sandwich.

Vast numbers of German troops were arriving from the west.

In the centre the French were under pressure, with several units looking very tatty.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Arbeia - a Roman Fort


A couple of weeks ago I visited Arbeia in South Shields.  A large complex, this was mostly used as a supply base and granary for the border defences (Hadrian's Wall) and for troops making the dangerous journey further north.  Well worth a look if you're in that area.

2,000 years and still no lift...
Nice model - if only I'd brought some toy soldiers!
Nicely restored gatehouse

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Heugh Battery revisited

I visited this splendid fortification back in 2012, so the need for a lunch/dog walking stop en route to northeast England recently had an obvious solution!  The battery is located on the headland at Hartlepool, which is quite a nice spot.  The exhibits are much as they had been but I figure you can never have too many photos of Chieftains or Ferrets.

From the observation post I kept a lookout for the High Seas Fleet...

The battery bears a more then passing resemblance to the Airfix Gun Emplacement.

This time I had the opportunity to visit the small arms collection - they have some interesting stuff.
The cutaway Bren was instructive.

They even have some weapons which visitors may handle.  Clad as I was in blue and red, the Lebel seemed an obvious choice!  They wouldn't let me have the bayonet though....

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Plastic Warrior 2024 - the purchases - part 2

Saving the best - or at least the best painting - 'till last, here are my remaining acquisitions.  Painting tartan is always a challenge as I know from experience, so I was delighted to find these chaps.  From the array available I selected a modest number.  From what I can see, most are conversions.  After haggling these come in at under a Fiver apiece which for the work that's gone into them I think is pretty reasonable.