This was a Funny Little Wars game played at the Sheffield club on 18 September. Martin led his Vulgarians (VG hereafter), assisted by John while Steve commanded his Svenhasselsteiners (SHS). The players were each issued with a map and briefing as below:
The map is reproduced by kind permission of the Cartographic Section of the Forbodian Army.
What they're doing with maps of the Vulgarian/Svenhasselstein border area has yet to be revealed.... |
Following a successful but far from casualty-free raid into
Vulgaria, the Svenhasselsteiner forces are making their way back home by way of
a pontoon bridge built by their engineers.
Your aim is to safely exit your forces from point 5.
Points will be scored for troops making it to safety as
Infantry 1
Gunners/cavalry/engineers 2
For an officer 3
Gun 5
Car 10
Brigade HQ with motor car, a captured Vulgarian car and a column
of walking wounded - enters on the road
at point 3
3 Infantry Regiments (10)
enter randomly. For each Regt,
roll a D6 for entry point. On a 6 they
don’t arrive.
1 Cavalry Regiment (6)
- enters at point 3 on turn D6
2 guns – roll as per the infantry for location.
Following a successful but far from casualty-free raid into
Vulgaria, the Svenhasselsteiner forces are making their way back home by way of
a pontoon bridge built by their engineers.
You are to inflict casualties on the column and retrieve the
General’s car which was stolen by the enemy during the raid. Or capture an enemy car. ‘Capture’ involves getting it off the table
at point 3.
Points will be scored as follows:
For each enemy infantryman killed 1
Gunners/cavalry/engineers 2
For an officer 3
Capturing a gun 5
Capturing a car 10
Brigade HQ enters
3 Infantry Regiments (10)
enter from points 1, 2, 4 or 5 – your choice
2 Cavalry Regiments (6)
enter randomly. For each Regt, roll
D6 for turn no, then D6 for entry point.
On a 6 they don’t arrive.
2 guns – 1 with an IR and the second with a Cav Regt.
The SHS column trudges homeward. The white motor car is the one they pinched from outside the Vulgarian HQ.
Unconcerned with the suffering of his men, the SHS General checks up on his share prices.
The SHS troops had left behind them many small bits of plastic....
Present as a neutral observer was none other then Captain Widdrington - seen here accepting an offer to visit Svenhasselstein.
While the local vicar (centre) muses on man's inhumanity to plastic (he's a portly metal chap himself), who is that appearing in the distance?
Vulgarians! Thousands of 'em!*
At this inopportune moment the SHS general's car ran out of petrol A team was hastily assembled to push it.
The VGs came on in the same old way. These chaps are on the other side of the river.
The captured car is driven round the traffic jam.
Meanwhile more SHS troops had arrived - including a gun.
I say, who is that handsome chap looking thoughtful in the background?
The CG general urges his
cannon fodder valued troops forward.
Even soem VG cavalry showed up - behind the SHS infantry!
Capt. Widdrington watches the battle unfold with increasing horror.
SHS lancers prepare to charge.
A confused** fight develops near Point 1 on the map. VG infantry have appeared, followed by SHS infantry, followed by VG cavalry!
The VG chaps soon saw off this particular enemy unit - but at a cost. What would happen next?
* Depending on the figure scale.
** Or maybe that was just me.