The latest addition to my 1/144 air fleet (or should that be Luftflotte?) is this little charmer. This Reviresco model was part of the same order as the SB-2s mentioned a few weeks back ( and being not only a metal kit but a biplane, I again contracted out the work to Wg Cdr Luddite. The Wg Cdr passed me the completed model last week and these are his photos below.
The '123 is the only 1/144 WW2 German biplane I own. |
I particularly like the pilot peering over the side of his cockpit. |
According to the Wg Cdr, this was a 'right b*****d' to build. As I explained, that's why he got the job! |
That´s a nice looking bi-plane. Great looking paint job. At first I thought it was 1/72nd.
Paul's Bods
You've been sitting too close to the screen again! Frome here (looking across the landing into the 'toy room') it looks about 1/1200 scale. It is nice though - so much so that I can't bear to put it away in the appropriate boxfile yet!
Nice model, really nicely done.
Very nice, I've been thinking of ordering some Reviresco aircraft, this clinches that!
The Angry Lurker
Thanks - I'm sure the Wg Cdr will be pleased to read that.
Don M
They are nice models, but be aware that some - like the various biplanes and the SB-2 are a right sod to build. I have a number of Reviresco models including Hawk 75,P-40, FIATs Cr32 & 42 and Gladiator. I built the Hawks myself....
mmm, cool model. Got any game scenarios in mind for it?
Back to Poland I think!
Very well done nice colors
Biff Tanner
Thanks - unlike me the Wd Cdr is a 'proper' modeller and researches stuff like that.
Thanks for the comments. I did it in an Eastern Front scheme because I know how much Tim enjoys fighting the Red Hordes.
The Reviresco models look godd when complete but require heavy duty modelling skills to get there.
More of my work here:
Hi. Nice model! I play a computer game called Hearts of Iron 2 and I was wondering if you could post a few shots of this on a plain white background? I would then like your permission to use those pics as a model for a sprite I am making for a for the game. its not a comercial type thing, just an amateurish attempt to make the in-game sprites loook cooler.
Please let me know and if you agree I can let you know what angles are needed.
Letbme have your emai, address in a (not for publication) comment and I'll be in touch.
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