Monday, 16 December 2024

Pax Britannica...but not for long!


A couple of months ago I dug out my copy of Victory Games' Pax Britannica.  This last saw the light of day as recently as 2002(!) so another game was rather overdue.  An elite team of players was assembled - several of whom admitted to having played it before, though none as recently as me!

(most of) the assembled players.  From left: Italy (your humble correspondent), Britain (Martin), USA (John), Japan (Jerry), Germany (Lloyd) and Russian (Andrew).  Behind the camera is France (Russell).
The map.  Many years ago I pasted them onto mounting board - this made the game a lot easier to set up.
Hat wearing opportunities aplenty.  Near the camera lurks Russell's French kepi.
Egged on by the Kaiser, the Austrians were soon being a damn nuisance in the Balkans.
The French were very active in west Africa, the Brits were seemingly everywhere!

Not to be outdone, us plucky Italians soon built a trading network in Africa.
There were some tensions in the Far East - watch out for those Japs!
I was amazed to be left alone to pick away at the crumbling Ottoman Empire and was enjoying a costly little war when the French plunged us all into a wider conflagration.  So the Great War broke out in 1896...

It was certainly interesting to revisit this game and we'll probably give it another go in a few months.


John Y said...

Looks like the Austrians were relying on the impressive height of their counter stack to crush their opposition!

tradgardmastare said...

Canny colonial capers!

Martin Rapier said...

That was very enjoyable to play, and I note that you neglected to mention that Italy scraped a win by a few VP! Fittingly, as the author of The Great War, France came last. That will show them.

Tim Gow said...

Only if it fell over!

Tim Gow said...

Idiotic imperial impropriety!

Tim Gow said...

I'm sure that excessive modesty is an Italian trait...