Wednesday 5 June 2024

Plastic Warrior 2024 - the purchases - part 2

Saving the best - or at least the best painting - 'till last, here are my remaining acquisitions.  Painting tartan is always a challenge as I know from experience, so I was delighted to find these chaps.  From the array available I selected a modest number.  From what I can see, most are conversions.  After haggling these come in at under a Fiver apiece which for the work that's gone into them I think is pretty reasonable.


Jim Duncan Wargamer said...

A bargain indeed.

I have done a few for a friend.

Donnie McGibbon said...

Very nice purchase, well worth the money I would say.

tradgardmastare said...

Great figures and price. An excellent addition to your forces!

Martin Rapier said...

Those are fabulous Tim, what a great purchase! I can't imagine how much work went into painting all that tartan.

Mike Lewis said...

I assume those are Eric Kemp figures?

Tim Gow said...

Jim Duncan
Your guys look great!

Tim Gow said...

Donnie McGibbon
Wise words!

Tim Gow said...

Very much so!

Tim Gow said...

Martin Rapier
Lovely, aren't they?

Tim Gow said...

Mike Lewis
Correct - what a talent!