Wednesday 8 May 2024

33rd Battle of the Isonzo - part 2


The Italian attack was led off by the Alpini battalion - off they went, dodging between the shellbursts.

Meanwhile, atop Hill 177 an  Austrian company was comfortable in it's trenches...
...until they fell victim to a well-aimed (or just plain lucky) Italian stonk.  Ouch!
The Alpini seemed to be doing well, as their timing skills were put to the test...

...but the Austrians weren't giving in easily.
From the valley it looked a very big hill!
Casualties soon mounted in among the Alpini.
Eventually the Alpini prevailed, but as they consolidated their position...
...the Austrians moved forward their reserve company.

Were the Austrians about to counter-attack?

        Would the Italian artillery ever hit anything else?

                    Find out in part 3 coming soon!


Pete. said...

Great stuff- the fluky artillery from the Italians certainly helped.



Conrad Kinch said...

You've certainly managed to capture to precipitous nature of the terrain there!

Tim Gow said...

Fluke? You claimed it was all skill!

Tim Gow said...

Conrad Kinch
I was greatly relieved it didn't collapse during the game!