Friday 29 December 2023

Plugging the same Gap again

In need of a game to entertain Lloyd and I a couple of weeks ago I reassembled the 'Plugging the Gap' scenario I'd run several times back in 2020 (see here and subsequent posts).  I duly set it up a couple of days before and we cracked through it in a little under two hours - so pretty much real time.  Lloyd commanded the US lackeys while I provided the forces of scientific socialism with inspired and ideologically sound leadership.  So exciting was it that I quite forgot to take photos until GT6!  Just don’t ask whose artillery is landing on that Motor Rifle battalion.... 

The Soviet cunning plan.
Mostly lifted from a previous plan but drawn on clear acetate to offer a veneer of professionalism.
The US defended a little further back than previous incarnations of this scenario. Here they are skulking in cover and exchanging fire with units of 1 GTR

After seven turns the jittery capitalists fled west, so the Sov advance can continue.


Pete. said...

Looks good fun that.



Tim Gow said...

It certainly was!