Monday 27 November 2023

More Kriegsmarine troops - part 2

Here are the completed Tamiya adaptations, along with some friends (in the final photo). I’ve tried to convey the impression of movement and action. 
I'm particularly pleased with the guy leaping through the window frame.



Pete. said...

Those are great Tim- the dynamic look of them going through windows and such like gives a great feel of urban combat.



Tim Gow said...

Leaping through a window near you soon!

tradgardmastare said...

Lights, camera, action poses are most effective.
Alan Tradgardland

Martin Rapier said...

They look great, I shall look forward to playing with them at some point! I think I last saw the "window leaping guy" pose jumping over the side of my old Tamiya Sdkfz 251 back in the 1970s.

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Love 'em you "Crazy Guy"!

Tim Gow said...

thanks - they'll look good in the film :)

Tim Gow said...

Martin Rapier
Ah yes - I couldn't understand the pose at first!

Tim Gow said...

I'm as sane as the next man. But then we can see from the comments who the next men are...