Sunday 29 September 2019

(Hotch)kiss and tell - part 1

This ancient Heller kit has been hanging about for a few months, so earlier this week I took pity on it and set to work.
These Heller kits are getting on a bit but the mastering and moulding is on a par with contemporary Tamiya. The instruction sheet folds out to A4 size and is a model (sorry) or clarity.
The three legs of the MG tripod are separate parts and I wasn’t looking forward to the assembly but in the event it all went together very nicely.
Paintwork will follow - I’m planning a 1940 French overall khaki finish so these chaps may also see service in Spain. 


Red_Cardinal said...

Just the thing to check the filthy Boche/Nationalists! :)

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Complete respect for where you source these figures!

Tim Gow said...

Until it jams!

Tim Gow said...

€3.99 in a Dutch model shop last year: