While looking for my M-60A2s the other day I found my as yet unused US Airmobile Brigade, so the chaps were dragged before the camera. The figures are all from the GHQ 'modern' US packs while the UH-60 Blackhawks are actually 1/350 scale plastic kits (really!) by Trumpeter. Primarily intended for use with Trumpeter's range of ship kits, these are a relatively cheap way of tooling up with 6mm-ish scale aircraft.
Above is a battalion (organised for my NATO Brigade Commander game) of three infantry companies and a weapons company piling out of their choppers. For readers unfamiliar with this scale the Hexon hexes are 10cm across.
A battalion deployed for action - with an attached TOW detachment. |
A closer look at the Hummvee mounted TOW. Another GHQ model. |
Those choppers look so cool!
Good thinking about the choppers. The Modern Infantry made me stop and wonder. Have they changed the packs since they first came out in.. the '80's? or have they released Post Modern Infantry? or?
Steve's Wargame Stuff
I'm glad - I have plenty more of the little sods still to build!
Ross Mac
These chaps have the kevlar helmets and M4s. GHQ also do 'Nam era infantry with M16, steel pots and roilled up sleeves.
Great job on those choppers Tim. I had a look at some 1/350 scale a/c the other day...Maybe I should look again.
I had to go look. Those are definitely not the scrawny GHQ micro-infantry from the 80's. Looks like all of their infantry has been much upgraded.
Interesting that they don't have any 1980's stuff. I guess the Fulda Gap doesn't have the pull it had back then and I suppose in 1/285 your could get by with a few minor differences anyway.
I have long admired your ability to focus on basically one scale and period. Is about time that resolve crumbled....
Ross Mac
Are you telling me the Cold War is over? I don't know how I'll break that to my toys...
Nice use of the Trumpeter kits!
Thanks - they're a bit under scale (compared with the other toys) but I thnk they look OK.
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