A recent exchange of comments with
Paul prompted him to request photos of my 1/285th scale Cessnas in order to compare and contrast with his rather splendid 1/72 Airfix version. I was pleased when GHQ announced this model and no less so when mine arrived. Although painted with Vietnam games in mind, these have so far been reduced to impersonating Austers in WW2 games.
The 'desert' cloth was on the table for some other photos.
Just in case you can't picture the size of a 1/285 Bird Dog - the scale is Centimetres so they're really quite small!
Hi Tim,
Very nice indeed! Just the thing for some artillery spotting against anything German or VC!
All the best,
David Crook
They are delightful little models - I must try to get them in a game soon.
Beautiful Tim and useful to boot!
Cannot quite get over how good these look at this scale.
Great post!
LOL - I'm already having problems seeing 1/72 never mind anything smaller. Well done, lovely little plane.
And very easy to assemble too!
Stephen Beat
Yes but you have to build 1/72 aircraft - my Cessnas are each made up of only 3 parts and the pair took about 10 minutes to assemble!
Yep, nice models, some great posts lately Tim
Thanks - good to hear from you.
They look really good. It's odd how the more famous warbirds get all the press, but the little spotter planes - Austers, Fiesler Storchs, Lysanders and the like - are all so elegant and graceful.
I would imagine that having a FOO in the air would give one side's artillery a huge advantage? Curious that I've not seen many aerial spotting rules in wargames.
Thanks for sharing.
Mad padre
Wise words indeed. We often have spotters in the air, including the 1914 game I played earlier this evening!
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