Thursday 8 August 2024

Bassett's broken biplanes*

 * also featuring Tim's terrible triplanes and mangled Morane monoplanes.

John B very kindly passed me this box of veterans at COW a few weeks ago.  The Demon I came up with an immediate plan for and the Albatross looked useful too.  I was delighted to see the Morane as I didn't have one!  The others have been passed to PHW who has also borrowed the Morane for some photos.

The Morane - an old Revell kit I believe - was in pretty good shape.  I have previously bodged one from a Fokker E1 but it's nice to have a 'real' one. I firmed up the attachment of some extremities.  The decals were flaky but looked largely salvageable and several coats of varnish gave a respectable finish.

Monday 5 August 2024

COW acquisitions


Behold: most of the goodies from last month's COW!  I was pleased to score a trio of Andrew Rolph's scenario books along with a new book from Jim Roche.

Serial offender Mr Bassett kindly donated this box of mostly WW1 aircraft.  Half have been re-homed, one has been repaired and two er, re-purposed.
A bargain bag of 1/300ish Cold War aircraft for a £5!
And more 1/1200 WW2 ships.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Catching up!

There have been no posts for a while as I've been busy with COW and quite a few games.  I have quite a backlog of games to write up, including further 54mm forays to 1944, 1936 and 1812.  I've also managed some bodging and painting - mostly stuff urgently needed for games.  And of course you'll want to know what high quality items I found on the COW bring & buy.

For now, enjoy these photos of the street fighting side of the COW plenary game - set around the Papal Conclave of 1559.

The factions' groups of ruffians prepare to take to the streets.

The book on which the game (organised by John Wilkie) was based. A recommended read!
Most of the (1/32 scale) figures were 3D prints.  Clearly nothing says peace and harmony like a papal election.

Painting done - basing in progress.
I also sourced a few 3D prints from Speira in Sweden.  And yes, that is a nun with a pump-action shotgun!

Each 'turn' I drew an event card to fire up the mob!  Each faction (French-backed, Spanish-backed and Hardliners) plus the Swiss Guard then had to decide if they were taking to the streets and to declare for either law & order or chaos & destruction.

All of the factions bribed the mob and even each other at times!