Tuesday 12 September 2023

Cold War Brigade Commander

This was a game run by Pete a couple of weeks ago.  It featured his own collection of 6mm toys and terrain on one of my terrain sheets.  Pete officiated while six of us demonstrated our varying levels of command ability.  The photos are a bit of a mix and were taken by various of the players.  Speaking of whom, here we all are!  Front row L to R: Bish, Andrew, Russell.  Rear row: Martin, John, me, Pete.  As always, silly hat wearing was encouraged.
The battle under way.  Each stand represented a company.  Us Yanks had a couple of weak brigades while the Sovs seemed to have a full division.
Mi-24 Hinds attacking one of Russell's units.
I of course seized the opportunity to wear my Cavalry hat!
A nasty Sov trick was the Spetsnaz unit which appeared perilously close to my HQ.  Happily may chaps held it together and the wicked Commies expired in a hail of MG fire.
Pete doing pointing.

Sov tanks and AT engage US Mech infantry.  Russell's brigade had whizzy new M-1 and M-2, while mine made do with older M-60 and M-113.  Not for nothing was my command known as 'The Antiques Roadshow.'

I particularly liked Pete's woods.
Su-25s unsportingly bombing one of my battalions.

And who won?  We agreed that Russel's bde having been very roughly handled it would wthdraw, while mine would too - to the next set of prepared positions - having seen off the Sov tank regiment which came my way.


Brad DeSantis said...

It looked like an excellent day was had by all Tim! The table looked great and you get my vote for "Hat of the Day!"

pancerni said...

Great end of war effort.

Martin Rapier said...

That was lots of fun and an interesting approach to multi player 5Cire Brigade Commander, which I thought worked very well.

The Russian Spetznaz entry was pre planned, I just got lucky that it happened to be the same wood as the US HQ!

Pete. said...

Great post Tim, had a lot of fun running this one.



Chris Kemp said...

It looks like a Grand Day Out, Tim.

Regards, Chris.

Tim Gow said...

Brad De Santis
'Hat of the Day?' That'll do me!

Tim Gow said...

I'm not sure it was the end of the war - but I expect it'll be over by Christmas!

Tim Gow said...

Martin Rapier
The appearance of the Spetznaz was a worrying moment!

Tim Gow said...

You did a great job of running the game.

Tim Gow said...

Chris Kemp
Grand days out are where it's at!