As part of my ongoing Funny Little Wars project, I decided that it was high time I painted more infantry. Readers will recall that I have painted one small unit so far (the Palace Guard) for my fictional country of Forbodia. Regular readers will no doubt be shocked to learn that a certain amount of toy buying has taken place over the past few weeks, and although the Forbodian Army is far from complete I have toys for parts of at least two other armies... One is never enough.
While casting around for suitable toys I had a look at the ACW Zouaves made by HAT and decided that they would be suitable for the obscure Balkan principality that is Forbodia. As Zouaves would also fit into a French-style army (or as H.G.Wells would have it, 'Army Horizon Blue') then I could justify buying quite a few of them.
HAT actually produce two different sets of Zouaves, with 16 or 18 figures in each, so I bought three of each. This enabled me to achieve some degree of uniformity in terms of poses and will give me four 20-figure battalions (at least one for Forbodia) plus 'spares' to be used as gunners, staff officers, medics etc.
These are really rather nice figures - seen here awaiting an initial coat of PVA. |
Mine will look rather different to the box artwork! |
The Forbodian Jager Battalion being formed. The bases are only temporary to make them easier to handle while painting. |
So far the figures have been sorted into units and the chaps who will form the Forbodian Jagers have been cleaned up a bit (there was very little flash to remove), washed to de-grease them, and stuck (using double-sided tape) to temporary card bases. Next comes a liberal coat of PVA to provide a paintable surface.