On Friday I was privileged to play FLW with the game's author, PW in his well-manicured garden. After my arrival at noon, we set out some terrain (all from P's collection) and agreed forces. I had taken the Forbodian Army, while mine host selected (from the many options open to him) a Boer-type force - 'Army Orange'.
King Boris had at his disposal three infantry battalions and a cavalry regiment, along with three gun batteries - 1 each of light, medium and heavy. The Boers (who were apparently all on holiday in neighbouring Ruritania...) fielded three smaller infantry units, one of cavalry and several guns and new-fangled machine guns.
We agreed that the objectives would be to take and hold both the farm and town.
This photo gives an idea of the size of the playing area!
The Forbodian Army begins it's advance.
The infantry on the Forbidian left were soon spotted by Boer scouts.
The scouts in question - complete with signal flags.
The Forbodian right - Jagers and a field gun.
Forbodian cavalry and a light gun soon reached the central wood.
The Forbodian gunners seemed happy to be in the open air.
Enemy light gun (left) and machine gun. Frightful!
Enemy cavalry taking up position ahead of the Forbodian left.
The Forbodian 'side' of the battlefield, with everyone now visible.
The delightful Mrs W had created this farmyard. If the size of that chicken is anything to go by then Genetic Modifications are alive and well in Ruritania!