Having seen and taken part in Ian Drury’s Raven 2 game at COW in July I was keen to run it myself. It provided a ‘filler’ after the 18th Century game I ran a few weeks ago. The game concerns the rescue of a US pilot (the eponymous ‘Raven Two’) shot down over North Vietnam. A controller in a Skyraider (know at the time as a ‘Spad’) directs the search, strikes against enemy forces and the rescue helicopter.
We ran the game through twice. In game one it took an age to locate the pilot but then the recue was effected quickly and safely. In game two the pilot was located early on - but not only by the US players! The NVA were in the neighbouring square when the chopper crew plucked him to safety. Happily there was no repeat of the debacle which occurred in one of the COW games, where at one point there were ten(!) US aircraft in the area and rather more worryingly three downed pilots stumbling around the jungle. Anyway, enough of this, lets see the toys. The photos are in no particular order and show 1/72 scale aircraft and 1/32 scale figures.