Wednesday 8 August 2012

Molesting many a model Matsu

I have mentioned before the challenges of sourcing suitable 1/1200 scale warship models (see my earlier post).  While searching for such things a while ago I noticed the Fulimi kit of the Matsu class destroyer going quite cheaply (about £2.50). 
Although this is a 1/700 scale kit, it occured to me that it might be about the same size as some 1/1200 cruisers.  A quick calculation and reference to my copy of Conway (1922-1946) established that this was indeed the case.  So I ordered ten of them.
I should point out that prior to my acqusition of the John Hawes collection I was desperately short of cruisers!
 At the weekend I set about building a few, as I have projects in mind for at least eight of them.  The hulls were assembled largely as nature and Fujimi intended, but the half-dozen above have their sterns (the blunt end...) packed with filler so that I can sand them into shape.
Work has continued on the two below.  The photo shows that I have carved off the surplus deck detail.  More news soon as I settle in to some proper bodging.


Unknown said...

The price is right! Good acquisition Tim*

Peter Douglas said...


I love the casual way that you say that since the model might be a convertible you decided to order 10 of them! Have fun.



Paul said...

I totally agree with the above comments regarding your purchasing decision making...Brilliant!

Tim Gow said...

You know it makes sense!

Tim Gow said...

Peter Douglas
Not being a clever actuary like you I can only deal in round numbers...

Tim Gow said...

I see fro the retailers website (HLJ) that they are now out of stock. Buy it when you see it.....

Anonymous said...

I think we've got a fairly good idea where all their stock went...

Tim Gow said...

Martin Rapier
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.