...or should that be five columns? For the first few turns both sides focussed on getting troops forward. I'll let the photos do most of the talking.
A Nationalist column advances - led by the mighty tankettes!
Foreign Legion with 'heavy tanks' courtesy of Condor Legion. Photo by Simon Wilson. |
Moroccan Regulares advance. Photo by Russell King |
Republican backs to the wall - from left (obviously) - Russell, Lloyd, Jerry.
The kneeling photographer is none other then your humble correspondent.
Photo by Simon

The Paris Commune Battalion of the International Brigade advances accompanied by Russian tanks.
Another view of the International Bde. Photo by Russell |

POUM militia and Internationals advance.
Another view of the Nationalist motor column - note the Guardia Civil company in the background.
Despite inter-factional squabbles, the Republicans had assembled the appearance of a battle line...
...but so had the Nationalists
The Legion advances!
Tankettes to the front!
But where, I hear you ask, were the NKVD? Astonishingly, Comrade Orlov rolled a succession of ones, thus failing to activate even his own entourage for several turns.