Not only do I have quite a few Solido AMX-13s, but the 'fleet' includes a few broken DCA (self propelled AA) variants. A pair of turrets was duly removed.....
...and a couple of bits of insulation foam cut roughly to shape. The wrong shape as it turns out - but more of that later.
Plastic guns and shields were added...
...along with top hatches. An initial base coat of paint followed.
The casemates were glued on using PVA. They were weighted down overnight while the glue dried.

I mentioned the shape of the casemate. Turns out that the front is angled either side of the gun mount. I suspect, however, that the vehicle is sufficiently obscure that few people will know any better then I did. And let's be honest - I don't much care!
(Guddle: a fine Scottish word for a mess, muddle or confusion.)