It is my sad duty to report the demise of my chicken, Von Kluck, after a short illness.
Kluck has appeared several times on this blog and it is on account of her modest international following that I post this news here. Kluck was always by far the fastest of our three chicks and moved with a grace unattainable to the others. Indeed it was issues with her movement which first alerted us to her being in less than perfect health - to the point where she was falling over.
Kluck a few months ago on top form - hurtling across the garden at high speed! |
Our concerns about her movement and the need to ensure her safety led us to bring Kluck into the house, and she lived for the last two weeks - apparently in good spirits - in a large cardboard box in Sara's office. Sadly her ability to move continued to decline and latterly needed to have food held in front of her in order to eat. We decided last night that the time had come and Sara took plucky Von K to be put to sleep by the vet this morning. When I last saw Von Kluck she was tucking into her breakfast of scrambled egg and tomatoes.
Von Kluck in her command bunker. Luckily I recently bought a new printer! |
The other two chicks - Shelley and Fluff - initially seemed a bit lost without their chum, so we'll have to keep a close eye on them. The plan is to look into getting more chicks in the spring - any new arrivals will be featured here.
The original chicken post can be viewed here:
* RIP = Roost in Peace.