Thursday 1 August 2024

Catching up!

There have been no posts for a while as I've been busy with COW and quite a few games.  I have quite a backlog of games to write up, including further 54mm forays to 1944, 1936 and 1812.  I've also managed some bodging and painting - mostly stuff urgently needed for games.  And of course you'll want to know what high quality items I found on the COW bring & buy.

For now, enjoy these photos of the street fighting side of the COW plenary game - set around the Papal Conclave of 1559.

The factions' groups of ruffians prepare to take to the streets.

The book on which the game (organised by John Wilkie) was based. A recommended read!
Most of the (1/32 scale) figures were 3D prints.  Clearly nothing says peace and harmony like a papal election.

Painting done - basing in progress.
I also sourced a few 3D prints from Speira in Sweden.  And yes, that is a nun with a pump-action shotgun!

Each 'turn' I drew an event card to fire up the mob!  Each faction (French-backed, Spanish-backed and Hardliners) plus the Swiss Guard then had to decide if they were taking to the streets and to declare for either law & order or chaos & destruction.

All of the factions bribed the mob and even each other at times!


Chris said...

Why does this remind me of the street fight scenes from Gangs of New York (2002)?

MGB said...

Tim, if you haven't seen it already, you must watch the movie, THE CONCLAVE, made for television, in 2006. It has some great acting, and exposes the different groupings prior to the rise of the first Borgia, so very much in period for most of your figures. The factions can be described as pro-French, pro-Spain, independent Italian family factions.Have watched it four times, well worthwhile.
ps. not to be confused with the latest movie, also called the Conclave.

John Y said...

So many characterful figures! I like the simplicity of the setup.

That nun with the shotgun comes up on Etsy whenever I search for "nun with gun" which is probably more often than I should admit in public.

Tim Gow said...

I'll take your word for it - never having seen the film!

Tim Gow said...

Thanks - I'll look out for that film.

Tim Gow said...

You're among friends here - it's a safe space. But you're still a wierdo!

Chris Kemp said...

Of course there was a nun with a shotgun! :-)

Regards, Chris.