Saturday 14 March 2015

Airfield defence - part 1

During a visit last year to discuss progress with Little Cold Wars, my co-author Mr BP gave me some bits of Dinky Scorpion in the belief that so accomplished a bodger could make something of it.  The parts were the two halves of the turret, and the hull top plate.  Not being under pressure to field vast numbers of Scorpions, the bits languished in the spares box until the aforementioned gentleman - clearly alarmed by the growth of our Warpact forces suggested that the thing's true metier might be in NATO airfield defence.  A suitable piece of insulation foam was retrieved from the garage and the hull 'dug in' to it.  The turret was glued together and the missing gun barrel replaced by a length of plastic tube.
Behold the splendour that is a dug in Scorpion.  And bear in mind that it was basically just scrap.

And finally.  Of course threats to airfields also come from above and as can be seen in the background a solution is at hand.  But that's another post.....


Archduke Piccolo said...

I have been thinking (off and on) for about a year now how to build an 'Army Men' style airfield. This sort of thing helps envisage a 'rear areas' raid by light forces against such a target...

tradgardmastare said...

What an excellent bodge Tim,most impressive!

Pete. said...

Nice rescue job Tim.



Paul Foster said...


Tim Gow said...

Archduke Piccolo
Go on - you know it makes sense. In as much as any of this does....

Tim Gow said...

And it created a lot of space in the spares box!

Tim Gow said...

I knew when it arrived last year that it had potential.

Tim Gow said...

Paul Foster
And free!