Sunday, 14 August 2011

Projects and plans

There has been much discussion of late on several blogs about the challenge of having multiple projects on the go and the need to plan. While it's all very well in theory having a plan to complete a project, I find I get bored with painting, say 54mm cavalry and distracted by the lure of 1/1200 ships, while all the time feeling slightly guilty about the half painted KV-1, the 6mm train, the undercoated AH-1 (which has been in that state for at least 4 years), the two French trucks whose bases just need flocking etc etc...... And that's before we start on the half dozen Megablitz divisions assembled but as yet un painted and indeed the boxes of completely unstarted toys, the boxes of unbuilt kits and all the stuff from JR's attic.

Anyway, now that I've done more painting of the current batch of ships and retrieved the regiment of 54mm cavalry (primed yesterday) from the garage, its on with sorting out some 25mm Highlanders. I wonder if this will ever change....


Giano said...

To stash or not to stash, that's the question.
I too love/hate watching my stash grow, maybe is the curse/blessing of modelling.
As for plans, I'm off with them, partly because I've quite an unpredictable personality, and partly because I grew to hate making plans. Too many people try to include me in their plans, so no need to add more planning by myself.
Follow the mood of the day, after all the most important thing is having fun. If painting that AH-1 is not fun enough today, maybe it will be so tomorrow.
Four years are not much compared to the delays of my many "side projects". some are still there waiting since 10 or 12 years ago.

Have fun!

Tim Gow said...

Thanks - that is pretty much the approach I'm taking. I mentioned the AH1 as it is visible (under a light coating of dust) from my Modelling table. I finished the other one (GHQ sell them in pairs) for a specific game some years ago.

Arthur said...

Hi Tim

The only plan you need is one that lists all the tasks without a timeline and has enough space at the end to add more items...
To actually develop a plan, well, put that on the list if you must, but make sure you use a pencil.

Even butterflies have a plan, must get nectar, or whatever. They just don't put the flowers in order...

Enjoy the chaos approach!

Tim Gow said...

'the Butterfly Plan'. I like it!

Don M said...

Well you already know my way of doing things as it appears to be your own! In short get every option for both sides of the conflict (just in case you have to provide everything) and then you are free to add the special option stuff when you want, unless of course the said special option stuff is what got you to buy that army in the first place,or and this is really borderline demonically inspired...a friend gave one as a gift. I mean there you were minding your own business perfectly content with your German and Russian collection and your friend of many years gives you some desert war British...starting the cycle of madness all over again......)

Ross Mac said...

Absolutely. It will change when a certain hot spot freezes over!

Paul said...

I think we are brothers Tim. Good post.

Tim Gow said...

Don M
I recognise that pattern!

Tim Gow said...

Ross Mac
How right you are. I was just feeling momentarily overwhelmed!

Tim Gow said...

I increasingly regard this blogging lark as a support group for the similarly afflicted.

Al said...

Tim, do you think if I get my wife to read this she will finally understand my affliction for lead purchasing???

Tim Gow said...

I very much doubt it but he'll, anythings worth a try!