Sorry it's been a while since my last post - busy with work and other stuff, meaning lots of screen time and a resulting disinclination to write blog posts!
Anyway, let's have some pics of toys, 'cos that's why you're here, right? Readers of a nervous disposition look away now.
This battered specimen was part of the loot from COW last year. I've always liked the Demon/Hart/Fury family of pointy biplanes. While planning a Spanish Civil War game a few months ago I felt a need for a republican light bomber/recce biplane. The 'correct' thing would have been a Breguet XIX. There were also a few (three?) Hawker Fury fighters in Spain so it didn't take my fevered mind long to join the dots. So Demon = wrong. But then Demon = free. Still with me?
Repair work commenced to my usual high* standards - liberal doses of blutac and glue being employed in the process.