Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Hawker Demon

Sorry it's been a while since my last post - busy with work and other stuff, meaning lots of screen time and a resulting disinclination to write blog posts!

Anyway, let's have some pics of toys, 'cos that's why you're here, right?  Readers of a nervous disposition look away now.

This battered specimen was part of the loot from COW last year.   I've always liked the Demon/Hart/Fury family of pointy biplanes.  While planning a Spanish Civil War game a few months ago I felt a need for a republican light bomber/recce biplane.  The 'correct' thing would have been a Breguet XIX.  There were also a few (three?) Hawker Fury fighters in Spain so it didn't take my fevered mind long to join the dots.  So Demon = wrong.  But then Demon = free.  Still with me?

Repair work commenced to my usual high* standards - liberal doses of blutac and glue being employed in the process.

Elegant eh?
Soon everything was perfectly* aligned.  
I managed to preserve the previous owner's impressing rigging thread.
Paint was added and markings were also painted on.  The result is clearly Republican and has the correct quantity of wings, and for a walk on part in a daft game that's good enough for me!

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Munitionschlepper Wespe

I am fortunate enough to already own two 1/48 scale Wespe SP guns, so when I found I have a (part built) kit of a third I decided to build it as an ammunition carrier.

Build proceeded very much like the real one - miss out the gun and plate over the aperture.

Plenty of spare ammo!
Here is the finished model with a better armed friend.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Torpedo Boat 196

In need of a small Great-War era destroyer for a forthcoming game, I decided to build one in 'cartoon' scale from bits and pieces. 

The hull and most of the superstructure were carved from balsa.  The funnel and torpedo tubes are plastic tube, turret and TT mounts pdf bases.  I'm particularly pleased with the bridge - part of a mounting from a roller blind which 'looked useful' and ended up in the spares box some years ago.

The turrets are resin castings I bought a few years ago - again, they 'looked useful...'  The crew figures are from a Strelets 1/72 set of Crimean War Russian naval gunners.  Finished in overall black, here is it wearing the first of no doubt many flags of convenience!  It's combat debut will be later this month in a game set in 1939.