Wednesday 26 June 2024

Arbeia - a Roman Fort


A couple of weeks ago I visited Arbeia in South Shields.  A large complex, this was mostly used as a supply base and granary for the border defences (Hadrian's Wall) and for troops making the dangerous journey further north.  Well worth a look if you're in that area.

2,000 years and still no lift...
Nice model - if only I'd brought some toy soldiers!
Nicely restored gatehouse

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Heugh Battery revisited

I visited this splendid fortification back in 2012, so the need for a lunch/dog walking stop en route to northeast England recently had an obvious solution!  The battery is located on the headland at Hartlepool, which is quite a nice spot.  The exhibits are much as they had been but I figure you can never have too many photos of Chieftains or Ferrets.

From the observation post I kept a lookout for the High Seas Fleet...

The battery bears a more then passing resemblance to the Airfix Gun Emplacement.

This time I had the opportunity to visit the small arms collection - they have some interesting stuff.
The cutaway Bren was instructive.

They even have some weapons which visitors may handle.  Clad as I was in blue and red, the Lebel seemed an obvious choice!  They wouldn't let me have the bayonet though....

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Plastic Warrior 2024 - the purchases - part 2

Saving the best - or at least the best painting - 'till last, here are my remaining acquisitions.  Painting tartan is always a challenge as I know from experience, so I was delighted to find these chaps.  From the array available I selected a modest number.  From what I can see, most are conversions.  After haggling these come in at under a Fiver apiece which for the work that's gone into them I think is pretty reasonable.