Sunday 8 October 2023

Pointy sticks and pointy ships

For our most recent games day we managed no fewer than three games!  We began with a Command and Colours Ancient game - a refresher for some players and an introduction for others. 

This was followed by a C&C Medieval game - new to all except me. 

Finally John treated us to an ancient naval game. I’ll do posts on each game in the fullness of time. 


Archduke Piccolo said...

We sail the pointy sea,
And our pointy ship's a beauty;
We're pointy men you see,
All appointed to our duty.

When the points all whistle free
O'er the bright and pointy sea,
We point to our guns all day -
When at anchor we point
Smoking a welcome joint
We score many a point that way...

(I suppose Messrs Gilbert and Sullivan are due an apology...)

Tim Gow said...

Archduke Piccolo
I hereby appoint you Poet Laureate to this blog!

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Good stuff
Both games look a treat!