Friday, 22 December 2017

The lamp is dead....

...long live the lamp!

In this Post from almost six years ago. I mentioned my modelling table setup. Since then little has changed. Until today. My trusty brown Anglepoise lamp died!  In fairness it was approximately 40 years old and included parts from a later version and a home made weight so I don’t feel too hard done by.
As a replacement I have moved the red Ikea lamp in the photo above from my office desk. This young upstart is a mere 15 or so years old - I wonder how long it will last.
So now I need a new office desk lamp...

Added 23/12/17 1022hrs - apologies if you couldn't see the photos in this post - hopefully you now can!


  1. Tim,

    When my old Anglepoise lamp 'died' I tried several different replacements ... but in the end I bought another one.

    All the best,


  2. The light went out? Rather appropriate for Solstice really....

  3. 40 years? That's impressive.

    Clearly the manufacturer's business model was flawed, and they didn't have a revenue stream whereby you had to purchase new amendments and expansion packs every year or so.

    Oh wait, that's Warhammer I'm thinking of ;)

  4. The lamp is dead.

    Long live the lamp.

  5. Bob Cordery
    I’ll see how Ikea’s finest bears up.

  6. Ross Mac
    Appropriate perhaps, but damn inconvenient!

  7. Doc de Gobin
    I think the old lamp dated from the era before planned obsolescence!

  8. Conrad Kinch
    And behold - there was light!
