Saturday, 23 December 2017

Christmas Kit Build

It's (nearly) Christmas, I have toys to paint and kits to build and this blog has 200 followers!

To celebrate the latter I will shortly be running a competition with actual prizes. 
Admit it - until you remembered it was me writing you were mildly excited.

Until then I need your help choosing which kit to build next.  The Poll is to the right of this post - please vote and leave a comment supporting your view.  Even if it's that I should get a life.

The options and their stories are as follows:

Lavochkin LA-7
Appalled at my having had a hastily built LA-5 stand in during the TF Smith game, John found and kindly gave me this kit the following Wednesday.  He is insistent that it is ready for the re-run of the TF Smith scenario.  And apparently it was cheap.

Hawker Sea Hawk
Bought on a whim on eBay (yes, I was shocked too...), I may have a need of a Sea Hawk in Royal Navy markings for a Suez '56 scenario I am plotting.  I have never previously owned a Sea Hawk in any scale.  This kit was, at £8 including postage, the most expensive of the trio.

HH-3E Jolly Green Giant
It's big and has an amusing name.  I can offer no more rational explanation for the presence of this monstrosity.  Many years ago I had the Revell version and no doubt I made a hash of it.  Perhaps it's time to make amends.  This was slightly cheaper then the Sea Hawk.

Vote now - polls close at 1100 on Christmas day!


  1. Hi Tim,

    The Sea Hawk for no other reason than the staggering fact it is an aircraft kit you have never built.....:-)

    You can also get a life while you are about it....

    Merry Christmas


  2. HoHoHo Have a Jolly Green Giant! What more reason does one need?

  3. I haven't seen a Lindberg kit in years so it has to be the Jolly green giant.

  4. I see I am in the minority wrt the kit build going for the Sea Hawk
    The Jolly Green seems a big ask to me
    Helicopters always made me nervous when building for some reason
    Those blades were always going to get broken IMHO :(

    Good kit for the Vietnam Son Tay mission!
    Have a good Xmas Tim

  5. If you need it, build it first. And I always like Russian WW2 stuff. The others are just too modern. Though I was tempted to vote for the Sea Hawk.

  6. David Crook
    So you want me to build an obscure ‘plane AND get a life? Right....

  7. Ross Mac
    I rather suspected the JGG would attract the shallow and impressionable out there!

  8. Wg Cdr Luddite
    See above! But it’s a while since I saw a Lindbergh kit too...

  9. Geordie
    You’re right to worry about the fragility of large helis. But of course I’m not worried. Much.

  10. Rob Young
    At last the Lavochkin has a friend!

  11. Sea Hawk! I didn't know such a place existed.

  12. I see I am neck-and-neck with the Golly Green or should I say at time of post one vote ahead

  13. Jolly Green Giant got my vote- I like helicopters.



  14. I'd never even heard of the Sea Hawk, so it has to be that.

    Besides, the NK air support did so well in TF Smith, that I don't want jinx it with a new plane.

  15. Archduke Piccolo
    But still it trails in third place.

  16. Martin Rapier
    A sound argument for the ‘Hawk.

  17. The Lavochkin, because it's such a cool name!
    Merry Christmas, Brian

  18. Brian Carrick
    A flawless argument comrade!

  19. Jim Duncan
    Great impression there Jim!

  20. Russell Phillips
    I’m pleased to have broadened your mind!

  21. Love the Jolly Green Giant...which is the Revell kit you built only in a Lindbergh box. The rivets shall need sanding! Nice!
