Sunday, 3 January 2016

Bob Plumb's toys - part 3

Part 3 follows close on the heels of Part 2 - posted in December.  2014....

 I have finally found the time to carry on with the repair, refurbishing and re-basing of more of the toys.  As usual they are on 80mm frontage mdf bases with a simple paint and flock finish.  The figures are given a coat of Ronseal medium oak (satin finish) to make them look less respectable.
 Rather than bore you with further details I'll let you point out particular figures.

Nearly done!


  1. Lovely finish.

    How do you find the Ronseal woodstain in comparison with 'Army Painter'. Despite all of its plaudits, I can never get AP to work for me.

  2. Duc de Gobin
    I've never tried AP. Why bother when the Ronseal works so well. And is so cheap....
