Sunday, 1 November 2015

Horsing around 2

You'll perhaps recall me mentioning the box of figures donated by Neil P* shortly before September's Waterloo game.  Getting some of the figures sorted out meant a 'quick win' during my frantic preparations for the game.  As the figures lacked horses I raided my stocks of Supreme (Italeri rip-offs) horses for suitable mounts.  The lances are sharpened steel, originally sold as pikes for 28mm figures.

The figures were indeed used in the game - thanks again Neil!

The original post is at:


  1. I have yet to undertake any cavalry. Though I have a troop in my Molatero stash...Painting a horse is a worrying prospect!

    Nice work, Mr. G.

  2. Stephen Beat
    I shouldn't worry - I still can't paint horses and have long since given up trying anything ambitious in this line. The ''toy soldier' look is where it's at!
