Thursday, 22 January 2015

Bother at the bridge - part 2

While the Warpact heli force clatters across the table, the Mi-1 gunship diverts to beat up the Flak position.  A salvo of rockets soon thins out the number of AA gunners.  However, the Flak isn't done yet...
...and the artillery spotter's Mi-2 plunges to it's fiery doom.
Meanwhile the transport helis reach the LZ and out pile the paras.
These chaps are the highly sought after 1/32 Esci figures.  Buy them if you see them!
Sadly the paras soon come under fire from French armoured cars.  The model is a Solido Panhard AML.


  1. Superb, nice to see some VDV on the table.

    How is AA fire resolved, Dice or some other mechanism?



  2. The Solido is soon to be Holed-dido and with that laboured pun. On to VDVictory!

  3. Archduke Piccolo the paras dismount?

  4. Pete
    Told you I'd paint them! Well OK, I'm surprised too.....

    Dice? Dice? Certainly not - it's the tried and trusted 'drop a dart on a target ' system - as per AT gunnery.

  5. Dancing Cake Tin
    Is there a vacancy for Poet Laureate? I'll put your name forward....
