Saturday, 3 January 2015

2014 review

A couple of days later than intended but here it is.  The blog continues to be an important part of my wargaming life and though post numbers are down to 221 (from 278 in 2013) this still exceeds my 'target' of four per week.  Once again I thank all those who read my ravings - especially those who comment.

Funny Little Wars
Due to the manoeuvrings of a real army we had to put on hold the Tannenberg project but plans are afoot to resurrect this in 2015 - watch this space.  In preparation for this game I added more 'Russians' to my forces.
Command & Colours
The C&C games - both Ancient and Napoleonic versions - continue to be great favourites.  The acquisition recently of part of the collection of the late Bob Plumb will considerably swell the ranks of my pointy-stick period armies so expect to see plenty more of this.
Nothing to report.  No games and not even (I think) any new toys.  Perhaps I'll put together a large game this year.

NATO Brigade Commander
Several games organised by Martin R using his 2mm toys.  Several people have suggested I publish the game when time allows.
One of the highlights of the year was the PBEM game run by Mad Padre.  This was the first Dippy game I had played since the late 1980s and quite possibly my best ever showing.
Little Cold Wars
This has been the surprise of the year!  From a brief and none too serious chat with Funny Little Wars author PW back in March I knocked together a game and soon a proper cold war style arms race was in full swing.  Playtesting and writing continues and it is hoped to have the thing published during 2015.


  1. Ooh, add me to the list of people telling you to publish NATO Brigade Commander. I'll also be happy to see Little Cold Wars published.

  2. Dead good review! I am completely available for a Megablitz game!!

  3. Russell Phillips
    Thanks for the kind words. I'll see what I can do....

  4. Dancing Cake Tin
    Still playing hard to get then?

  5. Please add my plea for publishing NBC!

  6. Best for 2015, Tim. Sounds like lots of people want your Cold War rules.
    Best for 2015, MP

  7. Michael Peterson
    No pressure then....
