Saturday, 27 September 2014

AMX-13 bodging

You may remember my £0.99 AMX-13 DCA a few months back.  Well, I found another one.  Same price.  As I don't really need another DCA (the AA variant) I settled on another plan - which would involve removing the turret.  This meant I had to dismantle the thing - as can be seen in the photos.
This process has certainly increased my appreciation of these Solido models - they are rather cleverly thought-out models.
But what of the AMX-13's future?  More on that coming soon....


  1. A very interesting 'bodge'. Looking forward to seeing the new turret.

  2. A scrapyard full of useable parts as a target for geurillas?

    Ps you have no idea what effect all your bodging and cannibalizing has had on my spare time and stockpile of toys.

  3. Stephen Beat
    Work is underway....

  4. Dancing Cake Tin
    Hmm - there's an idea....

  5. Ross Mac
    Don't blame me - unless I can blame you.
