Friday, 5 July 2013

Packing for COW

It's the same every year.  I start piling up stuff for WD's  Conference Of Wargamers the previous weekend and by Thursday I'm fretting about fitting it all in the car.  This year I seem to be taking a particularly large amount of stuff to go on the (very informal - like all things at COW) Bring & Buy.  And then there's the kit for two games.  And at least one silly hat.
 But somehow it all goes in - without any fuss.
 So what was I worrying about?
Good to go!  If you're coming to COW I'll see you in a few hours - if not book early for next year!

Don't expect any posts over the weekend but I'll get some photos and reports up next week.


  1. Tim

    Looking forward to seeing the reports (and photos of silly hats). Let's see how silly Brits can be..


  2. I mis-read the title of this post as 'Packing a COW'...

    That seems to be the only thing that isn't in your boot! :D

    Have a good time!

  3. Peter Douglas
    Hats? You don't know the half of it....

  4. Stephen Beat
    There's probably a game in there somewhere.
    I didn't bring a kitchen sink either...

  5. Proper prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.

    I shall think you have passed the 7P rule.

    Best of luck

  6. "Hats? You don't know the half of it...."

    I suspect our combined collections of silly hats would make up several blog posts on their own:)

  7. Paul
    Even better, it all fitted in on te way home too!
