Thursday, 28 March 2013

Getting to the point - Megablitz Strength Point Markers

Following on from my post on the basing of toys for Megablitz, I now present some photos of my Strength Point ('SP' hereafter) and other markers.  Above is one of the plastic compartmentalised boxes I use for these things.  It contains SP markers, LOG markers and order chits.  I have four such boxes - a number which has seen us through even the largest (20+ player) games.
Above: an example SP marker.  I make these from artists mounting board to which I stick steel paper, sliced into 1x1cm squares.
Each stand - in this case a tank battalion of 21PD - has a small square of magnetic material at the rear left of the base to hold the SP marker.  The latter, being faced with steel paper, adheres to the stand face down.  This prevents the enemy from knowing the strength of a unit.
The SP marker in place.  If I could be bothered I'd make sure that the colour of the markers matched the stands.  But who has time for that?
Logistic stands and artillery limbers don't have SP but carry instead LOG (or POL) markers.  These should be mounted in a position different to the usual SP location.  This Sdkfz 7 of 164 Le Div's artillery regiment has the mount on the back of the roof.  This is something else which can annoy 'proper' gamers....
Engineer and AA stands have SP and an additional mount for Engineer Points or AA points (EP, AA).  Examples are this German armoured engineer battalion (above)...
...and this terrifying Italian AA unit.
LOG markers are made in much the same way.  Mine are old boardgame counters (so slightly bigger than 1x1cm) topped with 'boxes' made of scrap balsa.
A German lorry showing the positioning of it's LOG marker mount.  Since someone will ask (probably someone called Paul), it's a ROCO Mercedes which began life as a fire engine.
And finally.  The order chits.  My original 'temporary' cardboard set lasted nearly a decade before being replaced by these wonders.  They are made from a foam-type material sold by the bundle by Hobbycraft.  They've done nearly a decade already.  For those unaccountably unfamiliar with Megablitz the five order types are 'Static, Mobile, Attack, Retreat and Transit.'
And so, to Don M who asked for this explanation I must say "Did this help any?"


  1. Mosstrooper
    I can't remember how I thought of it, but I'm damn glad I did.

  2. Dancing Cake Tin
    If I have lessened your darkness my work is done.

  3. Paul
    Of the Merc lorry? I'll see what I can do....

  4. We must be psychic Tim!

    Regards, Chris

  5. Chris Kemp
    Psychotic perhaps Chris?

  6. Interesting and enlightening. In my view the SP/Log/POL mounts are sufficiently discreet not to detract from the models (I've seen worse, believe you me). John Sandars used something vaguely similar that was also carried by the model or stand. Plenty of precedents there.

    I daresay in just about every game you play, someone comes up with a combination that he announces with the line: 'Now this is gonna smart!' Who could resist?


  7. Archduke Piccolo
    There was a period of 'smart' puns early on...
