Friday, 15 February 2013

Air Traffic Control

I spotted this old game in a Sheffield charity shop last year.  The combination of an Airfix logo and a price tag of £1.50 made it an irresistible buy!  Strangely I had never even heard of this game before but as it turns out it is quite enjoyable. 
We tried it out a few months ago - the occasion provided an opportunity for us to try out our best "This is your captain speaking..." voices as we piloted our small plastic '747s from London to New York.
The game seems to be reasonably complete, but sadly the details of the 'Win a flight' offer were missing....


  1. Oh. Dear lord. I remember that!

    Don't remember the Airfix logo though, but definitely remember playing it.

    "Base leg. Over."

  2. Never seen or heard of this game before. Looks fab!

  3. Is there more leg room on your small plastic 747's than there was on my recent transatlantic flight?

  4. They should rerelease it as "Pushing Tin" the boardgame.

  5. A slight digression but when I saw your Airfix game I just had the recollection that I had the Airfx 'Fighter Command'game. Such amazing box art and a great concept. I just found an old Ebay listing for it and someone sold theirs for £59!! I remember how much my mother disapproved of the box cover and the slogan 'Knock your enemy from the Skies!' :-D

  6. Mike Whitaker
    It's really not too bad a game. Especially for the price!

  7. Dancing Cake Tin
    Apart from guns it has it all - nostalgia, toy aeroplanes and an opportunity for shameless role playing!

  8. Stephen Thomas
    Yes, but the inflight meals are just as bad.

  9. Conrad Kinch
    That would suggest a degree of levity the designers hadn't planned....

  10. Jason
    See also my earlier post:
    A splendid game!

  11. Tim, I wish I had read further back before I made my post! What a great read! I still have my game in the attic. Thankfully my Dad didn't try to sell it during the early 90's during his great Car Boot Sale fad and I was away with the Army! I will have to get it out to play again.

  12. Jason
    The Fighte Command game is a classic. I'm very pleased I still have mine!

  13. Gawd yes, this was bought for me as a kid, or rather my big brother wanted an excuse to get it and I was the excuse

    It was all beyond me at the time as I was expected something with Airfix had guns in it

  14. Geordie
    I can see that the absence of guns would hey been an issue - I'm glad it was te Fighter Command game I had as a kid!
