Friday, 16 September 2011

WW2 windfall

I have now managed to find the time to have an initial sort-out of my latest box of swag.  Many of the models needed some repair work but only a few were beyond help.  The write-offs bravely donated many of their components to rebuild others.  "They gaveth their suspension components that others might trundle on...."
More photos soon of the smaller number of German vehicles.  There is quite a bit of surplus - notably some trackless Shermans and some late war German tanks & SP guns.
The sort-out commences.  Three broken Shermans, a broken Lee and a broken Tiger...
There turned out to be quite a few models!
Gun tractors - Matchbox Morris C8s (rear) and Airfix Quads - including an example of the rare Sports Convertible model.
SP guns - and more broken Shermans.
The 'completed' pile begins to look a bit healthier.
The Allied toys in their temporary home - until I figure out how I'll use them.  6 Shermans, 1 Lee, 3 Priest, 2 M12 SP, 2 M3 scout car, 3 halftracks, 2 C8, 3 Quad, 1 17pdr, 1 25pdr, 4 Dodge .75t trucks, 1 Stuart, 4 Lorries, 2 Jeeps.  Not bad eh?


  1. Wow, awesome amount of vehicles. eager to start such a nice collection as I can now count my vehicles on both hands :(

  2. The Belgian
    Take it from me - 20 years worth of 20mm toys fills a lot of shelf space!

  3. LOL yeah our hobby does eat a bit of storage space! Nice new haul!

  4. The Belgian
    Well done -that's the spirit!

  5. Don M
    If it wasn't toy soldiers it'd be some other nonsense!

  6. You mean like books, swords, and other Militaria...oh dear!

  7. No greater lube hath an AFV than this?

    Could be some wreck markers in their too.

  8. Some great wee additions in there Tim, it's always good to have a bit more than one actually needs for any given action eh? :)

  9. Don M
    Is there something you'd like to share with us?

  10. Ross Mac
    Oil try to remember that....

  11. Al
    I'm not sure my overloaded shelves would agree with you...

  12. Only the obvious, when you collect one thing you tend to collect others, but then you know this...)

  13. Too much is just enough.


  14. Well sorted and repaired. These look all in good shape an may now be used.

    Is the sports car Quad an actual vehicle? If it is I may have to look at making one, it looks terrific!

    If you whitewash these I suppose you can now field winter divisions as well.

    Lovely shots and good use of recycling.

  15. Nice Haul!

    Reinforced Concrete Bunkers always Help with shelving being securly bolted

  16. I'd say that's a nice little/big 1944 "Bulge" US/Brit task force you have there

    I may be tempted to put the Lee under Russian colours for Kursk ;)

  17. I´m thinking of renting another house to store my collection, looks like you are in a similar position Tim :-D

  18. Adelaide Gamer
    As I've has cause to say previously - one mans box of crap is another's treasure trove!

  19. Arthur
    Clearly then I need more!

  20. Paul
    Recycling? I suppose it is. That's the planet saved then! I wouldn't get too carried away by the Sports Quad but now I've said that I fully expect someone to turn up a photo of something similar in service.

  21. Karcuss
    True, but I have seen a film about a chap who lived in a bunker, and I think that the Russian shelling might knock the boxes off the shelves....

  22. Geordie
    I've not made any decisions yet, but I think there's a US Armoured Division in there, along with add ons for various other units. Nice idea about the Lee (and I managed to salvage a second) but my Russians already have 2 of 'em!

  23. Pauls Bods
    Interesting thought! Or I could just make better use of the space I do have...
