Sunday 20 March 2011

King Boris III

Among my recently completed models is the man himself - King Boris III of Forbodia.  This dashing chap is a Tradition figure of an Austrian Archduke - I feel he has the right look.
Forbodia's location is a closely guarded state secret which is only available on a strict 'need to know' basis. That's why it doesn't show up on many maps...
Forbodia is somewhere in the Balkans, the main cultural influences being Italian, Austrian, Turkish and Russian. Military influences include France and Great Britain.
A small Forbodian contingent was present at the battle of Leipzig in 1813 where the present King's grandfather, Boris I ('The Bonkers') suffered a small cut to the forehead from a wayward champagne cork. As a result, Leipzig is known in Forbodia as 'The battle of Boris's eyebrow'. Interestingly, Boris's delusions of grandeur increased greatly immediately afterward...
The present King - Boris III ('The Bewildered') has travelled widely in Europe and the Americas and is keen to modernise the country.
Of the reign of his father, Boris II ('The Boring'), little is known.

King Boris III directs operations from his rather splendid Rolls Royce motor car.  He is quite a tall chap so I cut the rear roof off so he can stand up.


  1. Hail King Boris! He does indeed look the part!

  2. Very impressive, very tall, very unmissable,

    My gunnery finger is itching already!

    All the best,


  3. Bob
    King Boris knows where you live!

  4. King Boris looks very grand and he looks well suited to his car...

  5. He does look as though he has some plastic surgery during his reign.

    Nice post.

  6. Paul's Bods
    I'd swear he looked disappointed when I stood him next to the Ford T. Definitely a Rolls-Royce man.

  7. Paul
    No plastic anything - he's all metal - although the three coats of varnish may have blurred his features somewhat.

  8. Of course you will now need a Field Marshal with way too many ribbons and metals and a very plumed hat!

    The Kings dottering old uncle is a prime candidate !

  9. Don
    Do you have a plumed hat - if so you'd be ideal!

  10. as a mater of fact it's right next to the cutlass on the wall...;-P
