Wednesday 26 June 2024

Arbeia - a Roman Fort


A couple of weeks ago I visited Arbeia in South Shields.  A large complex, this was mostly used as a supply base and granary for the border defences (Hadrian's Wall) and for troops making the dangerous journey further north.  Well worth a look if you're in that area.

2,000 years and still no lift...
Nice model - if only I'd brought some toy soldiers!
Nicely restored gatehouse


Maudlin Jack Tar said...

That model fort has a lot of potential!
Nice pics Tim, thanks for posting them.

MGB said...

Tim, unfortunately my county council have long forgotten how to commission attractive or dignified municipal buildings. I think the Romans could teach them a useful lesson or two.

Robert (Bob) Cordery said...

I seem to remember that Charles Wesencraft built a detailed model of a similar Roman fortress for a museum in that area.

All the best,


tradgardmastare said...

I remember visiting years ago, a fascinating place indeed. This looks a great place to visit-
Alan Tradgardland

Tim Gow said...

Maudlin Jack Tar
Doesn't it just!

Tim Gow said...

Yeah - but what did they ever do for us?

Tim Gow said...

Bob Cordery
I didn't know that!

Tim Gow said...

Just had a look at the accommodation prices on that website - North Shields was much cheaper!