Tuesday 21 May 2024

Plastic Warrior 2024

Last Saturday was the Plastic Warrior show in Twickenham, West London.  As usual, I filled the car with high* quality items and drove down on the Friday to stay over with Paul W.  I had spoken to Bob Cordery a couple of weeks previously and called in to see him on the Friday afternoon.  

Despite various health issues I found Bob in a typically positive mood.  As he's not currently mobile he would be delighted to hear from friends, so if you have his contact details please get in touch!

Because I was heading to see Bob and had plenty pf time I decided to try - for the first time - the Woolwich Ferry.  This turned out to be very slick and offered some different views of East London. Certainly better then the massive detour of Dartford or the horrors of the Blackwall Tunnel.

The show itself was very well attended - Brian Carrick tells me there were 50+ trade stands booked and all seemed to be doing brisk business.  I certainly shifted a LOT of stuff and bought commendably little.  I'll reveal (or should that be confess?) my purchases in a future post.
Good too to catch up with friends - Paul W, Jack, Graham, Anthony, Brian, Evan and others.
The stands were a mix of traders and individuals like me thinning down collections.  While the show is mostly about 54mm plastic soldiers, there's no telling what you might find.  A great show as always and rather busier to my eyes at least then last year.  Very well done to Paul M and Brian for organising it all.


  1. Tim,

    It was great to see you and the show looks very interesting with lots of tempting things to buy!

    The Woolwich Ferry is a great way to cross the River Thames. I first went on it when I was very young and travelled on one of the old steam ferries. Part of the fun was going to the windows where you could view the engines in operation, and the rip always seemed to e followed by and ice cream that we ate in the small park on the North side of the river.

    All the best,


  2. Looking forward to the collection or plastic arcana that you obtained. better brush up on your alliteration.

  3. I was gutted to miss it but was returning from California that day so only returned to England that morning...

  4. Great to see you Tim and a splendid day all round I thought. A much busier show than last year.

  5. Bob Cordery
    The show was a maelstrom of temptation. And the ferry was by some margin the nicest bit of my journey through London!

  6. Peter Douglas
    I will get round to it!

  7. Mike Lewis
    Feeble excuse Mike - see you next year!

  8. Graham Apperley
    Long may PW continue!
