Sunday 31 January 2021

Italian preparations for the 32nd Battle of the Isonzo - part 2

The Italians sought help for their French and British allies in their campaigns against the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Heavy artillery units were made particularly welcome. Here we see a British heavy howitzer preparing to support the coming assault. Rather ominously the crew are wearing gas masks.....

The gun is an old Britains diecast, the officer a hollow cast and the loader a Del Prado or similar metal figure. 


  1. Blimey! You've out big-gunned me! :D

  2. Fantastic toy! I always wanted one as a child.

  3. Beaty
    A moral victory for me then!

  4. Maudlin Jack Tar
    Me too! But luckily one os never too old for such things.

  5. Nice looking set. I have 2 of those guns - as you know after the incident where the howitzer nearly destryoed the headquarters building Anthony and I were attempting to capture from Bob and yourself...

    They really aren't that accurate!

  6. Mike Lewis
    Given that I’ll be doing all the gunnery in the coming game (with a Britains 25pdr) I wouldn’t rule out similar incidents!

  7. Those Britains guns are fantastic. I was fortunate to get to play with some of my Dad's former toys as a kid. He had the naval gun, but not this howitzer.
    It is gonna look great on the tabletop!
    Regards, James

  8. James Fisher
    Big guns like this are great for intimidating the enemy players in face to face games.

  9. Geordie
    You can never have too many. Probably.
