Saturday 29 August 2015

A pain in the cuirass?

This gaggle of A Call To Arms 1/32 cuirassiers has been hanging about undercoated for a few months now.  They have been sidelined by my tacking quicker 'wins' in terms of churning out stuff for the Waterloo game but this week the time finally came for them to confront a loaded paintbrush.
Being such nice figures painting proceeded quite swiftly and I hope to finish them over the weekend.


  1. Nicely done Tim! Looking forward to the finished result. Can I ask what was the colour blue you used? I have got some Deetail Cuirassiers I will eventually get around to restoring.

  2. Col
    No.22 'Mid Blue' from the Miniature Paints range. It's a bit too pale but sometimes that works.
