Thursday 11 September 2014

Another tank attack! LCW game report - part 1

For this Little Cold Wars game we used the same toys as previously but took advantage of the improving weather to take it all outside.  Above:  one of the Warpact tank battalions on the move.  We sent this one forward while keeping the other in reserve to exploit the breakthrough.  Well that was the plan...
 Three of the T-55s are Chinese die-casts, two are the plastic 'James Bond' versions and skulking under the foliage is an old Lima/Polistil T-62.
The enemy.  The cowardly capitalists had dug in!
Another (Dinky) Chieftain.  Or it might be the same one.
The NATO forces were defending along the stretch of autobahn to the west of Kakstadt.
The Commies under long range tank fire.
A Warpact air strike.  My mighty MiG-21 makes it's maiden flight!
Predictably it failed to hit anything and soon cleared off.

Coming soon - more tanks, more gunfire and more toy aeroplanes!


  1. Fantastic stuff Tim- literally digging in.



  2. I always like a extended order advance!

  3. Paul Foster
    2 battalions on a frontage of around 4km. That's what it says in the manual!

  4. Shall I add a small trowel to me kit need for needed for the game then?



  5. Autobahn??? Look more like a jungle it's so overgrown. Where are the road maintenance crew? :O)
