Friday 20 September 2013

The Megablitz archive

While preparing for the recent "A Battle Lost?" game, I noticed various photos and articles going back to the mid-1990s.  Perhaps you'd like to see some of this, after all - I've endured it - why should you be spared?
I have already posted reports and photos of some games which pre-date the blog*, but that still leaves the following list.  I have created a poll (top-right-ish) where you can make your preferences known.
A US bombing raid makes life difficult for some Panzergrenadiers.
Sicily, 1943 (or was it 2008?)
Game reports/photos**
Kick in the Door - Eastern Front played in Wellingborough, 1997
Kick in the Door 2 - Eastern Front played in Wellingborough, 1998
The Race for Tunis - er, Tunisia played in Bedford, 1999?
The Race for Tunis - Tunisia played in Newark 2000
A Bridge too small - Market Garden played in Newark, 2005
A Drop too many - Market Garden played in Sheffield, 2006
Tunis Lite - Tunisia played in Sheffield 2007
The race to Messina - Sicily played in Newark 2008

Other stuff**
Various articles from 'Kleiner Panzerbehfelswagen' - an informal newsletter I ran for 11 issues in the 1990s.

* - notably Kursk (North) and the 1940 Dyle Plan
** - be aware that quantity and quality of material may vary.


  1. Tim,

    I'd vote for all of them ... but as I seem to have lost my copies of 'Kleiner Panzerbehfelswagen' it would get my top vote!

    All the best,


  2. Bob Cordery
    Thanks Bob - A lot of the KP stuff hasn't aged all that well but a few bits are still worth reading again.

  3. Interested in the lot. Quality doesn't matter (much). I just like to see what other war gamers are doing.

  4. Archduke Piccolo
    "Quality doesn't matter..." Just as well!

  5. Yes, post all of them please.

    I'm always interested to read your travails :)

  6. Do the lot- something to do now the outdoor gaming season has finished.


