Saturday 11 May 2013

Better by bus?

Some time ago I picked up this old Airfix B-Type bus kit.  My plan was (and still is) to use it as a command vehicle for one of my Funny Little Wars armies.  After peering apprehensively into the box a few times I took the plunge last weekend and actually began to build the damn thing. 
It would be fair to say that the moulds for this kit are not in their first flush of youth - it was originally released in 1962 - and this shows in the parts fit.  Some of them actually do.
To be fair most of the parts are remarkably free of flash but many are warped.  In short it's a right sod to build.  Especially the rear staircase.  Interestingly I spoke yesterday to fellow 54mm addict David Pinder who is also building a B-Type kit.  His none too complementary comments echoed my own.
Anyway, on with the show.  It will end up looking vaguely the right shape and that's good enough for me.
 Masking tape and blu-tac is much in use during the build to hold various uncooperative parts together
I'll probably use blocks of balsa to strengthen the axles


  1. Oh I think this looks a winner myself. Red plastic always comes up well...Insert maniacal laughing here.

  2. Paul
    Thanks for your words of support. The red plastic really isn't helping....

  3. So the wheels on this 'bus will not be going round and round then?

    Red is such a lovely colour to work with, and you can cover it with just one coat when you paint it ... NOT!

    Good luck. I am sure that the end result will be worth all the pain.

    All the best,


  4. Will my Free Bus Pass work on this service?

    (06:00 in Florida!)

  5. Bob Cordery
    I can see copious quantities of spray paint being involved....

  6. Jim Duncan
    If you want to take the risk of travelling on anything I've had a hand in building that's (in all likelihood) your funeral.

  7. Reminds of that scene in 'Wish You Were Here'.......'any more fares on top!?' ;-)

  8. Dancing Cake Tin
    Plastic figures only upstairs - it's already quite unstable!

  9. Jim Duncan
    That's about how long it'll take..
