Monday 5 November 2012

Harbour Raid - part 3

We join the action again as the British ships are getting really quite close to the harbour.  Above we can see Jaguar (left) preparing to make her final approach as Kongo and Kuroshio near the harbour mouth.
A further exchange of gunfire saw more 4.7inch hits on the battered dock facilities and a couple on Kuroshio.  Meanwhile Kongo had opened up and a single - but rather large - shell hit Jaguar sinking her.
As the Japanese ships cleared the harbour a flurry of torpedoes hit the water - the white tracks are the RN, the black the Jap torps.  Torpedoes run two pipe-cleaner lengths a turn for up to three turns.  Note also the fancy new firing arrows.  These are arrow-shaped Post-It notes.  The following turn the Jap torpedo hit and sank Jackal, while Kuroshio bravely shielded Kongo and was sunk by two torps.  The third hit the harbour wall.
Meanwhile on the other side of the port, Tony decided that as the only remaining target for Kongo's very effective guns, it was time to launch his torpedoes.  The 'J' class DDs carry ten tubes!
British gunfire finally hit and sank the blockship.  Both this and the tug are actually 1/700 scale models from Tamiya but are such small vessels that they fit right in.

Will any British ships survive? 
                    Will any of Tony's torpedoes hit the Kongo
                                      Will Lloyd be eaten by sharks?

All will be revealed in the final episode of our thrilling tale of iron men, balsa ships and a rather unforgiving hardwood floor.....


  1. Great stuff - can't wait for the final instalment!

    This I'll start doing my battle reports in instalments too - it does add a frisson of excitement to proceedings.

    Great idea with the pipecleaners - we'll be nicking that for our Victory at Sea battles.

  2. Nick Grant
    Thanks - I'm glad it shows in the reports.

  3. Phil Broeders
    Everyone loves a cliffhanger!

  4. Classic action Tim. This would make a good movie.

  5. Paul
    If you know of an interested producer I am willing to negotiate a price for the movie rights...

  6. Tim

    I'm on the edge of my seat. FYI, grass is much more forgiving on knees of a certain age.



  7. Peter Douglas
    Mind you don't fall off. There was much talk of kneepads during the game...

  8. Tim,

    A very exciting battle report; I can hardly wait for the finale!

    All the best,


  9. If you do make this into a movie may I suggest as a title: The Cruel Wood or In Which We Had Sore Knees.

    All the best!

  10. Bob Cordery
    Hmm. Shall I delay posting the finale to keep you in suspense?

  11. Dancing Cake Tin
    With ideas like that there will be a job for you on the film set. Milk and no sugar please.

  12. Cripes poor old Jaguar and Jackal ... I am running out of flags to lower to half mast I'll have to start on the Pink Gin

  13. Geordie
    Pour one for me. After all the sun is long since over the yardarm.
