Friday 2 September 2011

Chicken First Aid

A slight crisis arose on Saturday when we noticed some drops of blood where the chickens had been.  A thorough examination of the flock revealed that Von Kluck had a broken claw.  We've still no idea how this was inflicted - presumably she caught it in something and suffered the damage while trying to break free.  The diagnosis and treatment process wasn't made any easier by Kluck being the least docile of the chicks - picking her up generally involves a chase round the garden followed by trying to keep hold of a struggling mass of wings claws and beak.  The talon in question was cleaned up and the problem of keeping the wound clean was solved with two sticking plasters - one on the injury and the second to keep the first in place!
Von Kluck briefly poses for the camera - the plaster can be clearly seen.
A close-up of the repair work.
Although the plaster had disappeared by Monday, Von Kluck seems to be on good form and making a good recovery.
And no, I've no idea what this has to do with wargaming either.


  1. Ah yes, a man and his chicken, classic wargaming tale...

    but thank you.


  2. Arthur
    Always happy to help broaden your mind...

  3. We have 3 of our 6 Bantams 'broody' at the moment , occuping the nest boxes so the other 3 are laying eggs around the hen run in various secret locations . So each day we have a sort of 'find the easter egg' search !.

  4. Mosstrooper
    Our other two are laying at the moment, and Von Kluck is thinking about it. Egg stocks are good...

  5. Well, I'm not one to call fowl, and it may have been only a poultry affair but still one does often hear wargame blogs deal with flock ing and scratch building, so why not a tale of battlefield repairs to bring von Kluck back up to scratch?

  6. Ross Mac
    I know I asked for all that....

  7. This is no "yoke" it is serious!!!
    Glad to hear the chucks alright mate.

    Cheers Rich.
