Monday 27 June 2011

Il Giogo Pass - WW2 Airsoft event - part 1

On Saturday 18 June I took part in a WW2 Airsoft event in Portland, Dorset (hence the en-route visit to the Tank Museum).  The scenario was based on the fighting for Il Giogo Pass during the Allied assault on the Gothic Line in Italy (Wiki Link).
The game was organised by Comrades in Arms (Link) and attracted over 40 players.    
My thanks for allowing me the use of their photos goes to CiA members Boshman, MartinR, BedsnHerts, Agent Orange & Seidler.  This post will look at the initial setting up, with 'action' pics forming a second post.
One of the excellent props which made the day so atmospheric.  There was indeed a minefield!
The (top secret) German map showing the layout of the quarry.  I was part of the garrison of 'Anton' which was around 10m above 'ground' level.  'Zeppelin', the German rear echelon, was about 250m distant.  The British attack came from around 200m to the left of 'Anton'.
Some of the 'Germans' getting their gear together.  
The German CO with his command bus.  Most impressive.  He played his role particularly well - to the extent of sporting a long cigarette holder and a riding crop.
4 FJR Div ready for action. 


  1. What were the opposition like?

    Having seen you lot, they must have been pretty good to stand any chance at all!

    All the best,


  2. Bob Cordery
    The Brits were good. Very good. But not good enough! Of course I may be biased......

  3. Looks like you had a great time!

  4. Don M
    I confess that much of the day was spent sitting or standing around looking photogenic!
