Monday 13 June 2011

Forbodia's Court Photographer

Last Tuesday saw me in London for a business meeting with a client.  As the meeting went well and I had plenty of time before my train, I succumbed to temptation and paid a visit to the Tradition of London shop (  As well as picking out another couple of ACW staff officers (£4 each from the rummage box), I decided to treat myself to a pre-painted figure.  The model in question is of Mathew Brady - famous for his photographs taken diring the ACW. 
My chap is his European relative, Mat Bradic and he has been appointed to the position of official photographer to the Court of King Boris.
Testing the light before photographing the Forbodian General Staff.
A Tradition (and indeed traditional) red box.  Not cheap so a rare treat!
King Boris & co posing for a photo.


  1. Are you sure it is not Sylvester McCoy's Doctor Who?

  2. Ahhh, I had been wondering who was taking the pictures.

  3. The Old Metal Detector
    Don't get started on Doctor Who! It'll only lead to a debate over the definitive doctor.

  4. Ross Mac
    It certainly helps to explain the quality of the photos! But not why they're in colour...

  5. Paul
    I didn't think it was that bad a post. Oh,I see what you mean...

  6. He does look a bit like sylvester McCoy :-D
    At least you won´t have to take pictures anymore with him about.

  7. Paul's Bods
    Delegation. The mark of a great leader.

  8. Look this way please...hold it....

    All part of the charm of this type of gaming, huh Tim? ;-)

  9. Hell yeah great post love it.

  10. Don M
    It says much about my approach to games - which is why my 6mm modern and 20mm WW2 forces include so many field kitchens, execution squads, political commissars, nuclear bombers etc etc.

  11. Biff Tanner
    Thanks. A brief but pleasant non-combatant interlude!
